New HITECH privacy provision hints at adversarial relationship between individuals and health care plans

Among the privacy and security provisions mandated by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act included in the new proposed rules issued last week by the Office of the National Coordinator is…

New proposed rules released on implementing more HITECH provisions

Today the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) announced that it has completed its review of a set of proposed rules on implementing various privacy, security, and enforcement provisions of the the Health Information Technology for…

Security and privacy rules and regulations insufficient to engender public trust in HIEs

A lawsuit filed last month by the Rhode Island chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) against the state Department of Health charges that the rules the state issued regarding its planned health information exchange…

Agency resistance to 2011 TIC deadline driven in part by limited MTIPS options

Despite the increased attention focused on the rollout of the federal government’s Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) initiative since a March 2010 GAO report highlighted the slower-than-expected progress most agencies have made in consolidating their Internet connections…

Success of government “identity ecosystem” depends on trust in government

It’s not without some irony that some of the most stringent early objections to the administration’s recently released draft National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) focus on the extent to which the government itself…