There’s a lot to think about from FTC privacy roundtables

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has now completed two of its three scheduled roundtable discussions as part of the “Exploring Privacy” series. The focus of these sessions is to raise and discuss issues, not to try to resolve them, but while the logistical details of the third meeting are still to be determined, privacy watchers are already analyzing what has transpired during the roundtable discussions and making predictions about what sort of FTC action may be likely to result from them. As you might expect, the parts of the discussions receiving the greatest attention vary somewhat based on who is providing the analysis. Good examples of these different perspectives include:

The FTC has suggested previously that it hopes to publish some form of report or findings from the privacy roundtable series once it is completed, likely sometime this summer. Until that happens, the steps the FTC will take to address appropriate privacy protection regulations and balance industry concerns will remain subject to lots of speculation.